Georgia May Jagger Bio - Biography

Name Georgia May Jagger
Date of Birth 12-January-1992
Place of Birth
Famous for Modeling
Georgia May Jagger is the youngest daughter of Rolling Stones rocker Mick Jagger and supermodel Jerry Hall. At the tender age of 16 she signed with Independent Models, following her mum and elder sister Lizzie into the fashion industry thanks to her famously full lips, wavy blonde locks and standout gap-toothed style. That year she made her catwalk debut for Vivienne Westwood - and hasn't looked back since. Still in the fledgling days of her career, she already has campaigns for Rimmel, Versace, Chanel and Hudson jeans (with whom she has a £1 million deal that includes a design element) under her belt and she was named Model Of The Year at the 2009 British Fashion Awards. After a brief flirtation with living in New York, she returned to her native London because she missed her mum and dogs; she currently resides in Richmond.

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